By : एबीपी लाइव | 08 Mar 2025 12:14 PM (IST)
Famous finance influencer Neha Nagar इस podcast में बताएंगी महिलाओं को अमीर बनने का तरीका. कैसे महिलाएं अपने पैसे को manage करें, कहां निवेश करें और सोना खरीदने के सस्ते तरीके. सब जानने के लिए video पूरी देखें. In this exclusive interview with Neha Nagar, we dive deep into the importance of financial literacy for women and how it plays a crucial role in building wealth. Neha shares valuable insights on why every woman must understand the basics of finance, investment, and wealth management. She explains how financial literacy empowers women to make informed decisions, break free from financial dependency, and ultimately build a secure financial future. Neha also discusses practical investment strategies, focusing on areas like mutual funds, stock markets, and other wealth-building tools that women can leverage to grow their wealth over time. Whether you're just starting your financial journey or looking to grow your existing assets, this video offers practical advice and tips on how to manage money effectively.
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दिल्ली कैबिनेट बैठक में महिला समृद्धि योजना के रजिस्ट्रेशन की तारीख तय, इन्हें मिलेगी प्राथमिकता
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