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Virginia Patient Advocate Named NKF's Celeste Lee Award Winner

, /PRNewswire/ -- The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) has awarded Patrick Gee, PhD, JLC, Healthcare Consultant and founder of iAdvocate, the Celeste Lee Patient Engagement Award. The distinguished honor will be presented at the 2025 Spring Clinical Meetings in Boston, April 9 -13.

This award was established in honor of Celeste Castillo Lee, a longtime advocate for patient-centered care and empowerment. It is the highest honor given by the National Kidney Foundation to a distinguished kidney patient who exemplifies NKF's mission and Celeste's legacy of putting patients at the center of all aspects of healthcare through their involvement with NKF and community partners.

"Receiving this award is a profound honor that resonates deeply with my commitment to health equity and patient advocacy," said Gee. Celeste Castillo Lee's legacy is a luminous beacon for all of us who strive to amplify patients' voices in the healthcare landscape. Her tireless dedication to ensuring that patients' lived experiences are heard and integrated into clinical research and decision-making processes has set a remarkable standard for advocacy,".

Dr. Patrick Gee is an inspirational leader and healthcare consultant dedicated to advocating for justice and uplifting communities throughout his career. With a background in criminal justice and a PhD in Justice, Law, & Criminology, Patrick has a proven record of accomplishment of service and excellence. His passion for positive change has led him to receive prestigious awards such as the Virginia Department of Corrections Volunteerism and Community Outreach Award, the Governor's Award for Volunteerism, and the NABCJ Owen Bell Award for Chapter Development.

"This award is a reflection of Dr. Gee's unwavering commitment to advancing kidney health, and we are proud to recognize his incredible work and contributions," said Dr. Kirk Campbell, President of the National Kidney Foundation. "His relentless passion for improving patient care and his dedication to advocating for those who need it most have made a profound impact on our community. He has consistently gone above and beyond to ensure that every voice is heard and that access to care remains a priority for all."

As a Healthcare Consultant and Professional Patient Activist, Patrick has received many accolades, including the and the American Society of Nephrology President's Medal and Celeste Castillo Lee Lectureship in 2022.In addition to his professional achievements, Patrick is the Founder and Chief Executive Hope Dealer for iAdvocate, Inc., a non-profit organization that promotes health and wellness in underserved communities.

Despite facing personal health challenges, including battling Stage 3b End-Stage Kidney Disease and enduring multiple surgeries post-transplant, Patrick's resilience, and determination shine through. His unwavering commitment to advocacy and his mantra, "I am the Voice for the Voiceless and the Face for the Faceless in the fight against kidney disease," exemplifies his dedication to championing health equality and fighting for those whose voices are often unheard.

Patrick's story is a testament to perseverance and unwavering advocacy's impact. Join Patrick Gee in his mission to drive change, break barriers, and pave the way for a healthier, more equitable future for all. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that every voice is heard, and everyone receives the care and support they deserve

NKF Spring Clinical Meetings

For more than 30 years, nephrology healthcare professionals from across the country have come to NKF's Spring Clinical Meetings to learn about the newest developments related to all aspects of nephrology practice; network with colleagues; and present their research findings. The NKF Spring Clinical Meetings are designed for meaningful change in the multidisciplinary and interprofessional healthcare teams' skills, performance, and patient health outcomes. It is the only conference of its kind that focuses on translating science into practice for the entire healthcare team. This year's Spring Clinical Meetings will be held April 9-13 in Boston.

Kidney Disease

In the United States, more than 35 million adults are estimated to have kidney disease, also known as chronic kidney disease (CKD)—and approximately 90 percent don't know they have it. About 1 in 3 adults in the U.S. are at risk for kidney disease. Risk factors for kidney disease include: diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and family history. People of Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian American, or Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander descent are at increased risk for developing the disease. Black or African American people are about four times as likely as White people to have kidney failure. Hispanics experience kidney failure at about double the rate of White people.

NKF Professional Membership

Healthcare professionals can join NKF to receive access to tools and resources for both patients and professionals, discounts on professional education, and access to a network of thousands of individuals who treat patients with kidney disease. Visit https://www.kidney.org/membership to learn more and join our community today.

About the National Kidney Foundation

The National Kidney Foundation is revolutionizing the fight to save lives by eliminating preventable kidney disease, accelerating innovation for the dignity of the patient experience, and dismantling structural inequities in kidney care, dialysis, and transplantation. For more information about kidney disease, please visit www.kidney.org/

SOURCE National Kidney Foundation



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