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Germany Car Attack Latest Video: Mannheim में कार ने पैदल चल रहे लोगों को कुचला | Hit And Run | N18V

Germany Car Attack Latest Video: Mannheim में कार ने पैदल चल रहे लोगों को कुचला | Hit And Run | N18V The increasing reports of violence in Germany have caused concern all over the world. Attacks are taking place in Germany on the lines of 'lone wolf attacks' and innocent people are becoming its victims. The increasing violent attacks in recent weeks have deepened the lines of concern about security in Germany. A car badly crushed a crowd of people in the western German city of Mannheim. Two people died on the spot due to the car collision while many people were badly injured. According to German media, a black SUV started hitting people at high speed. जर्मनी में लगातार हिंसा की खबरें बढ़ने से दुनियाभर में चिंता होने लगी है. जर्मनी में ‘लोन वुल्फ अटैक’ की तर्ज पर हमले हो रहे हैं और इसके शिकार बेगुनाह होते जा रहे हैं. हाल के हफ्तों में लगातार बढ़ रहे हिंसक हमलों ने जर्मनी में सुरक्षा को लेकर चिंता की लकीरें गहरा दी हैं. पश्चिमी जर्मनी के शहर मैनहेम में एक कार ने लोगों की भीड़ को बुरी तरह रौंदा डाला. कार की टक्कर से मौके पर 2 लोगों की मौत हो गई जबकि कई लोग बुरी तरह घायल हो गए. जर्मनी मीडिया के मुताबिक एक काली एसयूवी ने तेज रफ्तार से लोगों को टक्कर मारना शुरु किया #germany #munich #mannheim #attack #carattack #hindinews #germantcaraccident #germanynewslive #germany #cnbcawaaz n18oc_world Budget 2025 updates | budget 2025 | Business News | CNBC Awaaz brings to you latest business news, live share market updates, stock market updates, top business news in india, stock market updates, ipo latest updates, news updates on banking and financials, realty sector and it sector. Watch business news live, business news and share market live updates on CNBC Awaaz. Stay tune to get all the news of pre-opening trades, opening trades, and top calls in pehla sauda. Know what market veterans have to say on the current market trends in big market voices. Watch final trade market strategy, btst stbt calls, intraday strategy and brokerage house calls, quarterly results expectations in kamai ka adda with anuj singhal and virendra kumar. Also stay tune to watch share market tomorrow strategy in kal ka bazaar. Watch CNBC Awaaz and get the best investment ideas. CNBC Awaaz is one of India’s top business channels and a leader in business news and information for the last twenty years. Our channel aims to educate, inform and inspire consumers to go beyond limitations, with practical tips on personal finance, investing, technology, consumer goods and capital markets. Policymakers and business owners alike have grown to trust CNBC Awaaz as the most reliable source with its eye on India’s business climate. Our programming gives consumers a platform to make decisions with confidence. Subscribe to the CNBC Awaaz YouTube channel here: https://tinyurl.com/y5rsvesk Follow CNBC Awaaz on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CNBC_Awaaz Like us on our CNBC Awaaz Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/cnbcawaaz Website: https://hindi.cnbctv18.com/ Whatsapp Link: http://bit.ly/3RiTpSc
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