17 hours ago 2

Shield farmers, small biz in US trade deals: RSS affiliate

 RSS affiliate

NEW DELHI: Amid the “frontal attack” by US President Donald Trump, RSS-affiliated

Swadeshi Jagran Manch

(SJM) Monday asked govt to ensure that interests of farmers and

small businesses

are protected during negotiations for bilateral trade deals, including with US.
In a statement SJM said at the time of setting up World Trade Organisation, developed countries had agreed to allow developing nations to impose

higher tariffs

in return for including agriculture, services, investment and intellectual property on agenda and described the US as the biggest beneficiary of multilateral system.
It advocated bilateral deals over multilateral agreements.
“In view of a frontal attack of US on our exports, on an illegitimate argument that India imposes higher tariffs, and likely increase in tariffs by them, once again underlines the importance of Swadeshi. National Council of Swadeshi Jagran Manch strongly suggests that Bharat should enhance its

foreign trade


bilateral trade agreements

rather than multilateral trade agreements.
However, while entering into bilateral trade agreements with US and other countries, national interests should be protected, especially our farmers & small entrepreneurs,” it said while slamming Trump’s stand on trade.

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